In line with the CEN Workshop transparent and inclusive procedures, the AENOR secretariat has officially opened the 60 days public consultation during which every interest party can consult and comment on the full draft of the upgraded eBIZ Reference Architecture, identified as CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA)


All comments dully received by the AENOR secretariat between 15th April and 14th June 2013 will be addressed. Comments shall be provided through a Commenting table.
Timely provision of comments will facilitate the eBIZ project team and the Steering Committee to address any input and to promptly react.

All comments received and the proposed reactions will be presented before all the eBIZ Workshop Members participating at final Plenary Meeting taking place in Brussels on 26th June 2013.

Background note: Between April and September 2012 the eBIZ project team carried out a Gap analysis on the latest e-Business requirements and related fashion business needs. All 51 Members of the CEN eBIZ Workshop were enabled to provide contributions and to comment on the analysis.

The results and the Members’ contributions were used by the eBIZ Project Team, backed up by qualified volunteers, to upgrade the eBIZ Reference Architecture. The latter underwent further improvements though consultations with the Workshop Members and is finally published on line in the CEN Website for a 60 days public consultation.

The eBIZ Reference Architecture is a guiding technical document designed to achieve e-Business harmonisation (interoperability) across the supply-chain of Textile Clothing and Footwear sectors. Rolled out in 2009, the Architecture is currently in used by both large fashion groups and SMEs.