Schaeffer Productique s.a.
Schaeffer Productique is an IT provider based in Mulhouse, France, offering eBIZ compatible solutions which are already commercially available.
The company informs that at least 2 of its products supports eBIZ in at least 120 textile / apparel companies in France, Germany and other European countries
Company | |
Short name | SPRO |
Country/ies of operation | EUROPE |
Web site | |
Product/s or Service/s supporting eBIZ
(repeat table when more than one) |
Name | ECOLTEX | |
(80 char max) |
Schaeffer Productique, ERP Publischer for textile industry, has developped a collective platform of services, named ECOLTEX. This platform is based on the use of eBIZ. It is the first tool allowing everyone for a collective use of eBIZ.
Several textile european companies already benefit from the use and the concept of ECOLTEX. Ecoltex access is provided by our subcompanie AMPLITEX |
(mark as appropriate) |
X | – commercially available
– under development – available upon request |
Optional Additional information which may also be published
Logo | Please attach in JPG format |
Contact | |
Company description
Schaeffer’s vocation is to provide the international textile actors with all skills and products useful for information systems construction and organization.
In this way, Schaeffer Productique developpe and provide a vertical ERP available for all activity in textile. More than 200 companies work with our solution in Europe, and world. More than 100 companies use Ecoltex, and can benefit of eBIZ directly or indirectly. |
Looking for collaboration | All european intgrators are welcome |
References on customers and/or implementations using eBIZ
(add lines when more than one) |
name | short description |