Increase your ability to trace your entire production chain (RFID and more)

eBIZ standard aim to combat counterfeiting in the fashion industry

Digital Data Exchange
Use the eBIZ standard to use only one digital language in the fashion industry

The full potential of digital communications can only be realised with times to market effectively reduced if ALL business partners are digitally integrated.
IT providers offering eBIZ compliant solutions enjoy a competitive advantage because they can support ANY of their fashion clients better.
eBIZ 4.0: the new step of the eBIZ initiative
A common language beyond borders
Why a standard language?
How does it work?
cost reduction of orders management
cut down of personnel costs in production planning and scheduling
efficiency gain in the production planning and control
saved time to fulfill orders
Reference Architecture
It is a technical guiding document, supported by online resources [Learn more…] and compliance-check tools, that should be used by the IT professionals to achieve interoperability in their IT solutions.
The Architecture is public and free and defines agreed specifications on: Business Models, Business Processes, Data Models, Product Identification and Classification, Communication Protocols.
eBIZ 4.0
eBIZ 4.0 is a new action bringing together resources from Spain, Italy, France, Germany and other countries to connect at least 100 companies of the fashion business across Europe. This action will deliver IT solutions combining the benefits of the eBIZ digital...
eBIZ at workshop of CEN
Euratex representing the European textile and apparel industry as well as the eBIZ project team joined the some 100 participants who contribuited to the workshop organised by CEN to roadmap on standards for digital transformation. Euratex key points touched upon:...
3rd training on eBIZ
The ENEA, technical partner of eBIZ since 2008 and organization in charge of writing the eBIZ Rererence Architecture under CEN Workshop supervision, organises the 3rd edition of the eBIZ training course. The training is free of charge, held in Italian language and...

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